Understanding Your Electricity Bill

While MCE sources your energy behind the scenes, you’ll still get your normal PG&E bill.

Serving up fossil-free power to local businesses

Same Bill. Affordable Rates. Cleaner Energy.

We work with PG&E to make your bill as simple and transparent as possible. Because PG&E and MCE team up to provide your electricity service, your bill will include charges from both PG&E and MCE. MCE’s generation charges are NOT an added fee; they simply replace PG&E’s generation charges. Here are a few things you should know:
  • PG&E will no longer charge you for electricity generation because MCE now provides this service to you. There will never be any duplicate charges.
  • PG&E will continue to charge for electricity delivery, which also includes maintaining the lines and providing billing services.
PG&E Bill Generation Credit
Account Number

Your PG&E-assigned account number. Please have the first 10 digits on hand to make changes to your service.

PG&E Electric Delivery Charges

This PG&E charge includes the cost of moving energy from the grid to your home and maintaining the electric lines.

MCE Electric Generation Charge

This MCE charge includes the cost of sourcing electricity to match your home’s needs. It replaces the fee that PG&E would collect if it was providing your generation service. This is not an additional charge.

Your Electricity Charges Breakdown

This is a detailed summary of fees for PG&E’s Electricity Delivery Charges.

Rate Schedule
With Time-of-Use (TOU) rate plans, the cost of electricity is based on when you use it. The rate shown here is more expensive from 4–9 pm (Peak) as shown in the “Energy Charges” line. You can switch to another rate plan at any time by logging into your account at pge.com
Baseline Credit

Your rate plan may include a baseline credit, which is a discount on the per-kilowatt–hour price for electricity usage below the monthly Baseline Allowance. Your Baseline Allowance is an allotment of energy available at the lowest price based on where you live, your heating source, and the season (summer or winter). Customers enrolled in the Medical Baseline program are allotted a higher Baseline Allowance.

Generation Credit
The amount PG&E would have charged you if it provided your generation service. Because you’re getting your electricity from MCE, PG&E credits this fee back to you.
Power Charge Indifference Adjustment (PCIA)
PG&E collects this fee to cover the cost of energy that it had contracted to purchase on your behalf prior to your becoming an MCE customer.
Franchise Fee Surcharge
This fee pays for PG&E’s right to use public streets to run electricity service to your home. This cost and the PCIA are always included in our cost comparisons.
Rate Identification Number
Links to your specific electricity rate and any discounts that you are enrolled in. Scan the QR code to use this tool to automate your use of electricity to times of day when costs are lowest.
Deep Green
If you have chosen Deep Green 100% renewable energy service, you will have this line on your bill. Half of this premium funds the development of local projects and programs that benefit the community.
Local Utility Users Tax
Some cities and counties have a Utility Users Tax, which is applied to both your PG&E delivery and MCE generation charges.
Energy Commission Tax
This charge applies regardless of your service provider. It is collected on behalf of the California Energy Commission.

Looking for more resources?

Explore our Programs and Incentives Finder to learn about ways to lower your bill or save on EVs and home upgrades.

Account Number
Your PG&E-assigned account number. Please have the first 10 digits on hand if you call to make changes to your service. If your business has multiple service agreements you will have one bill with charges connected to the same account number.
PG&E Electric Delivery Charges
This PG&E charge includes the cost of moving energy from the grid to your business and maintaining the electricity lines.
MCE Electric Generation Charge
This MCE charge includes the cost of electricity to match your business’s needs. It replaces the fee that PG&E would collect if they were providing your generation service. This is not an additional charge.
Your Electricity Charges Breakdown
This is a detailed summary of fees for PG&E’s Electric Delivery Charges.
Rate Schedule
Your rate schedule is based on your selected PG&E rate and determines how you are charged for the electricity provided. Commercial rates are based on your usage. With Time-of-Use (TOU) rate plans, the cost of electricity is based on when you use it. Commercial TOU rates are more expensive from 4–9 p.m. (Peak) as shown in the “Energy Charges” line. “Demand Charges” are based on the highest amount of electricity that a business customer uses in a 15-min interval, measured in kilowatts (kW). These charges are also subject to TOU periods. You can switch to another rate plan at any time by logging into your account at pge.com.
Generation Credit
The amount PG&E would have charged your business if it provided your generation service. Because you’re getting your electricity from MCE, PG&E credits this fee back to you.
Power Charge Indifference Adjustment (PCIA)
PG&E collects this fee to cover the cost of energy that it had contracted to purchase on your behalf prior to your becoming an MCE customer.
Franchise Fee Surcharge
This fee pays for PG&E’s right to use public streets to run electricity service to your business. This cost and the PCIA are always included in our cost comparisons.
Rate Identification Number
Links to your specific electricity rate and any discounts that you are enrolled in. Scan the QR code to use this tool to automate your use of electricity to times of day when costs are lowest.
Deep Green
If you have chosen Deep Green 100% renewable energy service, you will have this line on your bill. Half of this premium funds the development of local projects and programs that benefit the community.
Local Utility Users Tax
Some cities and counties have a Utility Users Tax, which is applied to both your PG&E delivery and MCE generation charges.
Energy Commission Tax
This charge applies regardless of your service provider. It is collected on behalf of the California Energy Commission.

Looking for more resources?

Explore our Business Solutions page to learn more about MCE, programs and offers you can take advantage of, and other resources for our business customers.

Looking for more resources?

Explore our Programs and Incentives Finder to learn about ways to lower your bill or save on EVs and home upgrades.

Looking for more resources?

Explore our Business Solutions page to learn more about MCE, programs and offers you can take advantage of, and other resources for our business customers.

Do you have questions? We have answers!

MCE and PG&E are dedicated to working together to make your service and billing simple and transparent. If you have questions about your MCE generation charges, contact us at info@mceCleanEnergy.org or (888) 632-3674. For questions about PG&E delivery charges, call PG&E at (866) 743-0335.

Sign Up for Texts about Possible Power Outages

Protect public health and safety. Know when to conserve energy to prevent power interruptions during emergency events like heat waves, wildfire, or when major power plants or power lines are unavailable.

Sign Up for Texts about Possible Power Outages

Protect public health and safety. Know when to conserve energy to prevent power interruptions during emergency events like heat waves, wildfire, or when major power plants or power lines are unavailable.

Request to Reserve MCE Emergency Water Heater Incentive

Contractors, please fill in all required fields below. Information must be submitted for each project for which you are requesting to reserve funds. Make sure the heat pump water heater you and your client choose to install is on the TECH Clean California-approved list.

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