Privacy Policy (Sample Header Style V2)

We Are Committed to Protecting Your Privacy

  • I have read, understand, and agree to operate my battery energy storage system in accordance with the Program Requirements stipulated in MCE’s Energy Storage Tariff.
  • I am a residential customer i) taking service from MCE, ii) enrolled in MCE’s solar net energy metering program, and iii) am the authorized representative of the account number listed above.
  • There is solar PV and battery energy storage system(s) installed at the Site listed herein.
  • My solar PV and battery energy storage systems are physically paired (interconnected) and I have received Permission to Operate both systems from PG&E.
    • I agree to operate and maintain in good working order my solar PV and battery energy storage systems for as long as I am enrolled in MCE’s Energy Storage Tariff and receiving MCE’s Solar Storage Credit.
    • I agree to take service under one of the approved rate schedules listed in the Energy Storage Tariff.
    • I will notify MCE immediately at or 1 (888) 632-3674 if either my solar PV or battery energy storage system is taken out of service for any reason for a period of 30-days or longer, in accordance with the terms and conditions stipulated in the Energy Storage Tariff. Failure to do so may result in a suspension or loss of bill credits as listed in the Energy Storage Tariff. [CM14] § If for any reason I opt out of MCE service, I will be removed from the Energy Storage Tariff. Any bill credits received under the Energy Storage Tariff will terminate upon leaving MCE service.
    • I understand MCE may modify or terminate the Energy Storage Tariff at any time.
    • I agree to provide to MCE, upon request, documentation that verifies the information provided on this form, including, but not limited to: installation agreements, permits, interconnection agreements, lease agreements, or other documents as may be requested by MCE.
    • I agree to allow MCE or its designated representative to access the Site during reasonable hours and upon reasonable notice while enrolled under the Energy Storage Tariff, to physically inspect the BESS to i) verify the information provided on this form is true and correct, and ii) confirm the BESS is in good working order and interconnected to the solar PV system and the grid.
    • I agree to discharge my battery energy storage system, down to the 20% reserve margin, every day (including weekdays, weekends, and holidays) from 4pm to 9pm, except during a power outage or to prepare for a planned outage confirmed by PG&E, consistent with the requirements of the Energy Storage Tariff. Failure to consistently discharge every day from 4pm to 9pm will result in suspension or loss of bill credits as listed in the Energy Storage Tariff.

Request to Reserve MCE Emergency Water Heater Incentive

Contractors, please fill in all required fields below. Information must be submitted for each project for which you are requesting to reserve funds. Make sure the heat pump water heater you and your client choose to install is on the TECH Clean California-approved list.

Opt Up to MCE Deep Green

Opt In to MCE Light Green

Energy supply project development

Fill out the interest form below to get started!

Complete the form below to express interest in our EV Instant Rebate or for any questions related to EVs or EV incentives. You’ll hear back from our partners at Energy Solutions within 2 business days.

Marketing, community outreach, creative, and event production

Energy efficiency, EV, and load shifting program implementation and evaluation

Non-energy related services and construction

Connect with a dedicated energy coach

Technology, finance, and human resources