MCE’s Pathway to a Clean Energy Future

MCE’s Pathway to a Clean Energy Future

MCE is meeting state renewable energy and climate goals light-years ahead of schedule, ensuring grid reliability and resiliency, boosting the green economy, and offering programs that benefit underserved communities. Each year we update our Operational Integrated Resource Plan, using it as a 10-year road map to help MCE set the standard for reducing energy-related greenhouse gas emissions in California. This blog covers highlights from MCE’s 2023 report including MCE’s plans to advance clean energy procurement, reliability, energy equity, clean transportation, and energy efficiency.

Building Clean Energy

MCE’s Light Green energy service is expected to be 95% greenhouse gas free by 2023 and 85% renewable by 2029. Renewable resources are naturally replenishing with low or no emissions associated with the generation of power such as solar, wind, and biomass. Greenhouse gas-free resources include renewables as well as resources that aren’t naturally replenishing but that don’t produce emissions when generating power (including large hydroelectric and nuclear).

MCE’s energy portfolio includes the development of over 900 megawatts of new, renewable energy projects in California. Since 2010, MCE has reinvested over $214 million back into our communities through local projects, customer programs, and bill savings.

MCE Local Reinvestment by Category


Reliability and Resiliency

We’re committed to ensuring that our customers have a reliable source of power and contingency measures in case of an outage. To advance energy reliability and resiliency in our service area, MCE has focused on building distributed energy resources, such as batteries, smart thermostats, and EV charging equipment, and creating demand response programs that reduce energy use and encourage use when clean energy is abundant.


MCE provides tailored programs that address environmental justice issues in our service area. We formed a Community Power Coalition to address the concerns of underrepresented and historically marginalized communities through collaboration and open dialogue. The Community Power Coalition’s 52 members offer expert advice on the needs of constituents and helps MCE solve environmental equity issues through our programs, policies, and procurement.

Transportation Electrification

Since 2017, MCE has been working on several EV initiatives, including demand-response-enabled charging devices, equity-centered incentives for electric vehicles, and funding for charging stations. MCE’s EV rebate program for income-qualified customers has helped over 250 customers purchase or lease new EVs. Since 2018, MCE has supported or funded 1,600 Level 2 charging ports for workplaces and multifamily properties. More than 930 ports have been installed—equivalent to 36% of all public Level 2 charging ports in the four counties that MCE serves—and more than 620 ports are under planning and construction. MCE plans to continue to support EV adoption and build EV infrastructure throughout our service area in the coming years.

Energy Efficiency

Energy efficiency lowers energy demand, bills, and greenhouse gas pollution, all of which are core to MCE’s mission. MCE’s energy efficiency programs serve multifamily propertiessingle family homes, small and medium businesses, and agricultural and industrial facilities.

We invest in multiple workforce development initiatives to encourage the growth of green-collar jobs, particularly in the energy efficiency and electrification sectors. Workforce education and training opportunities create a geographically diverse pool of training partners who can provide job seekers with skills for success in the decarbonized energy future. MCE is in the process of developing a mentorship and internship program to help the existing contractor workforce upgrade their energy efficiency skill set and support green career pathways.

Over the next 10 years, MCE is committed to expanding the scope and impact of our customer programs and ensuring a reliable and affordable clean energy service. View the complete Operational Integrated Resource Plan to learn more about MCE’s commitment to our communities.

Request to Reserve MCE Emergency Water Heater Incentive

Contractors, please fill in all required fields below. Information must be submitted for each project for which you are requesting to reserve funds. Make sure the heat pump water heater you and your client choose to install is on the TECH Clean California-approved list.

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Opt In to MCE Light Green

Energy supply project development

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Complete the form below to express interest in our EV Instant Rebate or for any questions related to EVs or EV incentives. You’ll hear back from our partners at Energy Solutions within 2 business days.

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