Deep Green 100% Renewable

Fight Climate Change in a Matter of Minutes

Complete the form to get started!

Why Should You Choose 100% Renewable Energy?

Fossil fuels are the largest contributors to climate change, causing toxic pollution. Together, we can turn this around. Our Deep Green service matches 100% of the electricity you use with renewable energy sources, like solar and wind. With every light switch you flip and device you charge, you’ll be replacing dirty fossil fuels with clean energy.

Help globally and support locally

Community is at the heart of everything we do at MCE. Half of your Deep Green fee is reinvested into climate action programs for our communities like installing EV chargers to support fossil-free transportation.

How does Deep Green compare?

Deep Green is only $0.01 more per kWh. For most homes, it costs about $5 more per month.

Amounts shown are based on a typical residential customer using 445 kWh per month on the E-TOU-C rate. Actual costs will vary depending on usage and rate.

Average Total Cost
Light Green
Deep Green
Electricity Generation
served by MCE
served by MCE
served by PG&E
PG&E Electricity Delivery
Additional PG&E Fees
Local Community Reinvestment
Access to MCE Rebates and Programs
Access to PG&E Rebates and Programs

Average Total Cost
Light Green
Deep Green
Electricity Generation
served by MCE
served by MCE
served by PG&E
PG&E Electricity Delivery
Additional PG&E Fees
Local Community Reinvestment
Access to MCE Rebates and Programs
Access to PG&E Rebates and Programs

Average Total Cost
Light Green
Deep Green
Electric Generation
served by MCE
served by MCE
served by PG&E
PG&E Electric Delivery
Additional PG&E Fees
Local Community Reinvestment
Access to MCE Rebates and Programs
Access to PG&E Rebates and Programs

Deep Green is only $0.01 more per kWh. For typical small businesses, that amounts to about 3% more per month.

Electricity usage can vary widely among businesses. To calculate the cost for your site, find your total usage in kWh under the Service Information section of your PG&E bill. Multiply this number by $0.01. For example, if you used 1,062 kWh, your Deep Green fee would be $10.62.

Amounts shown are based on a typical small commercial customer using 1,167 kWh per month on the B1 rate. Actual costs will vary depending on usage and rate.

Average Total Cost
Light Green
Deep Green
Electricity Generation
served by MCE
served by MCE
served by PG&E
PG&E Electricity Delivery
Additional PG&E Fees
Local Community Reinvestment
Access to MCE Rebates and Programs
Access to PG&E Rebates and Programs

Average Total Cost
Light Green
Deep Green
Electricity Generation
served by MCE
served by MCE
served by PG&E.
PG&E Electricity Delivery
Additional PG&E Fees
Local Community Reinvestment
Access to MCE Rebates and Programs
Access to PG&E Rebates and Programs
Average Total Cost Compare-60
Light Green
Deep Green
Electricity Generation
served by MCE
served by MCE
served by PG&E
PG&E Electricity Delivery
Additional PG&E Fees
Local Community Reinvestment
Access to MCE Rebates and Programs
Access to PG&E Rebates and Programs

Calculate your emissions reduction

Use this form to estimate the amount of emissions you would reduce by enrolling in Deep Green.

Green certifications and reporting

Meet your sustainability goals. Deep Green counts toward green certifications and reporting requirements for B Corp, California Green Business The Climate Registry, Cradle to Cradle, LEED, Napa Green, and Sustainable Purchasing Leadership

For a customized cost comparison or information, please reach out to us at info

Ready to enroll and fight climate change?

Already an MCE Customer?

Opt Up to MCE Deep Green

To enroll in Deep Green 100% renewable energy service, please click below to complete the intake form.

It takes just a minute to opt up to 100% renewable energy. Please have your account number from your PG&E bill on hand.

Terms & Conditions of Service

Not an MCE Customer yet?

Opt In to MCE Light Green

To enroll in Light Green 60% renewable energy service, please click below to complete the intake form.

Terms & Conditions of Service

Already an MCE Customer?

Opt Up to MCE Deep Green

To enroll in Deep Green 100% renewable energy service, please click below to complete the intake form. It takes just a minute to opt up to 100% renewable energy. Please have your account number from your PG&E bill on hand. Terms & Conditions of Service

Not an MCE Customer yet?

Opt In to MCE Light Green

To enroll in Light Green 60% renewable energy service, please click below to complete the intake form. Terms & Conditions of Service

TIP: You’re an MCE customer if you see an MCE Electric Generation Charge line item on your PG&E electric bill, as referenced below.


You are also welcome to enroll by contacting us at or (888) 632-3674, Monday–Friday, 9 am–5 pm.

Ready to enroll and fight climate change?

It takes just a minute to opt up to 100% renewable energy. Please have your account number from your PG&E bill on hand.

Terms & Conditions of Service

You are also welcome to enroll by contacting us at or (888) 632-3674, Monday–Friday, 9 am–5 pm.

Making an Impact Together

“We believe in leading through example for our growing youths. Through providing 100% renewable energy, we can teach our kids the importance of caring for the changing environment in which we live.”

Antonio Betts

Lamorinda Montessori Executive Administrator

Deep Green Champions are local businesses, nonprofits, and public agencies that have made a public commitment to purchasing 100% renewable energy to run their operations. Nearly 80% of the communities we serve have opted up their municipal electricity accounts to Deep Green. From streetlights to city halls to public libraries, more of the Bay Area is running on 100% renewable energy. Together, we are meeting climate action goals and building a brighter future.

Support the Deep Green Movement

Want to help further our mission to create healthier, sustainable communities? Our Deep Green Advocates Toolkit (pdf) has resources to encourage others to join the renewable energy movement.

Frequently Asked Questions

You will see a Deep Green line on the MCE Electric Generation Charges page of your PG&E energy bill. You will be charged a penny per kilowatt-hour ($0.01/kWh) of electricity you use.

Yes. Deep Green customers will remain on their current rate plan. To see your current rate plan, log into your account at

Businesses, municipalities, and other electricity customers can use the Deep Green Cost and Emissions Reduction Form (pdf) to estimate the amount of emissions you would reduce by opting up to Deep Green. For additional information or support calculating your greenhouse gas emissions reduction, please contact us at

Opt Up to MCE Deep Green

Opt In to MCE Light Green

Request to Reserve MCE Emergency Water Heater Incentive

Contractors, please fill in all required fields below. Information must be submitted for each project for which you are requesting to reserve funds. Make sure the heat pump water heater you and your client choose to install is on the TECH Clean California-approved list.

Energy supply project development

Fill out the interest form below to get started!

Complete the form below to express interest in our EV Instant Rebate or for any questions related to EVs or EV incentives. You’ll hear back from our partners at Energy Solutions within 2 business days.

Marketing, community outreach, creative, and event production

Energy efficiency, EV, and load shifting program implementation and evaluation

Non-energy related services and construction

Connect with a dedicated energy coach

Technology, finance, and human resources