Solano County

MCE is your not-for-profit public electricity provider serving over 1.5 million customers across 38 member communities in Contra Costa, Marin, Napa and Solano counties. Offering 60–100% renewable electricity, MCE is leading the way toward a clean energy future. Discover what we’ve accomplished together in Solano County!

Solano County at a glance:

Unincorporated Solano

customers on MCE clean energy service 

0 %

of customers and and 25% of municipal accounts opted up to Deep Green 100% renewable service


Metric Tons

of CO2 reduced, equivalent to the amount of carbon sequestered by 41,738 acres of U.S. forests in one year

We’ve built 6.6 MW of new renewable energy capacity in Solano.

MCE Communities in Solano

MCE serves four member communities in Solano County. Explore the percentage of electricity accounts that participate in MCE’s service and the percentage of electricity accounts that opted up to 100% Renewable Energy in each community. 

Electric Accounts on MCE Service (MCE Average 86.8%)





Solano Co.





Accounts Enrolled in Deep Green (MCE Average 8.2%)





Solano Co.




Making Connections: Explore Solano County Stories

MCE Announces Largest Renewable Energy Project in Solano County
Solar Field Trip with Solano County Youth Achievement Center
Two More Cities in Solano & Contra Costa Counties Join MCE

Be Part of Our Clean Energy Community

Join an MCE board meeting or community event

Share your input at an upcoming MCE board meeting or connect with your neighbors at a community event near you.

Support 100% renewable businesses

Deep Green Champions are local businesses, nonprofit organizations, and public agencies that have chosen Deep Green 100% renewable energy service. Discover Deep Green Champions in Marin, using our interactive map.

Get involved in the clean energy movement

Local community members, businesses, and municipalities are illuminating the path toward clean energy, equity, and climate action. Learn about ways to get involved.

Request to Reserve MCE Emergency Water Heater Incentive

Contractors, please fill in all required fields below. Information must be submitted for each project for which you are requesting to reserve funds. Make sure the heat pump water heater you and your client choose to install is on the TECH Clean California-approved list.

Opt Up to MCE Deep Green

Opt In to MCE Light Green

Energy supply project development

Fill out the interest form below to get started!

Complete the form below to express interest in our EV Instant Rebate or for any questions related to EVs or EV incentives. You’ll hear back from our partners at Energy Solutions within 2 business days.

Marketing, community outreach, creative, and event production

Energy efficiency, EV, and load shifting program implementation and evaluation

Non-energy related services and construction

Connect with a dedicated energy coach

Technology, finance, and human resources