In the fall of 2016, MCE partnered with Rising Sun Energy Center, a local nonprofit organization that focuses on energy and water efficiency as well as workforce and youth development. Through their California Youth Energy Services (CYES), Rising Sun and MCE offered no-cost energy and water assessments and installations for El Cerrito and San Pablo residents. Rising Sun also helped generate interest and awareness of MCE’s comprehensive Multifamily Energy Savings Program, while providing energy and financial savings to support the community.
Together we served nearly 200 multifamily residents, preventing 18.2 metric tons of CO2 from entering the atmosphere each year. This is the equivalent of eliminating the greenhouse gas emissions from 2,085 gallons of gasoline.
Rising Sun hired and trained six local youth as Energy Specialists. In addition to job training, Energy Specialists participated in weekly professional development workshops. CYES youth were empowered to take direct action to mitigate climate change, while also gaining valuable job experience. Read about their experiences in their own words: Samantha Lopez and Julian Carra.
MCE was pleased to join Rising Sun efforts and reinforce our commitment to serve and strengthen our communities through energy education. For more details, read the full report: MCE & Rising Sun Report 2016.