The theme for Earth Day 2021 is Restore Our EarthTM. The pandemic has changed how many of us go about our everyday lives. As the world continues to reopen, today offers a chance to reflect on how we can rebuild with our planet in mind. Here are some long-term changes you can make to heal our environment and show love to our planet this year and beyond.
1. Commute Sustainably
Brainstorm ways to green your commute. Transportation accounts for up to 41% of greenhouse gas emissions in California. Shift to mass transit, walking, biking, electric vehicles, and carpooling to reduce your carbon footprint.
2. Travel Locally
Consider exploring locally before hopping on a plane. Airplanes emit greenhouse gases and water vapor into our atmosphere, both of which contribute to climate change. Thinking twice about your travel plans may also give you a chance to discover the world-renowned attractions that Northern California has to offer.
3. Learn About Your Foodprint
Our relationship with food is intertwined with our carbon footprint. This Earth Day, take time to learn how to shop and eat more sustainably. You don’t need to shift your whole diet to reduce your foodprint. Incorporating just a few sustainable food practices, like reducing food waste or trying Meatless Mondays, can have a big impact.
4. Clean Up Your Community
Participate in a cleanup event this Earth Day to show love to the environment and your community. Better yet, make it a habit to pick up recycling or trash. If you’re a walker, jogger, or runner, you can even make it part of your normal routine by joining the plogging (picking up litter while jogging) movement. It’s also a great way to introduce kids to the impact of small choices.
5. Educate Yourself
One of the most impactful things that you can do on Earth Day is to educate yourself about the climate crisis and how you can make a difference. If you’re interested in learning more, here are some resources to get you started: